It feels so great to finally have found a method that does NOT provoke fear or feels oppressive.
No matter what blocks you are struggling with one thing is for sure:
You are meant to walk toward revealing your full potential.
Like the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.
Everyone deserves to fly – including you.

After more than six years of panic attacks, and over a year in cognitive behavior treatment, I was still struggling with attacks. After only a few sessions with Kina, we got to the root cause of it and my panic attacks disappeared. It is such a relief that I do not “have to cope with it” anymore. Today I can travel without the support of my family and handle a new job.
I feel like I have gotten a completely new life. [Eva]
After just one session I feel so much better. My whole life I have struggled with challenges and different types of oversensitivity to food and clothing. After just one session with Kina, my block was gone. I could feel the difference immediately and today my body feels so much better. I don’t have to be as careful of what I eat or be hyper-selective. Today I can wear most types of clothing and eat food that I was intolerant to for years. I can’t wait to enjoy my stay in New York to its fullest when I move there soon.
I really recommend Kina’s work. [Evelina]
If I hadn’t met Kina I would have continued struggling with stuttering, which I had since birth, and remained this quiet shy guy who sits in the corner without expressing his opinions. In the past, I have seen a couple of speech therapists but not seen any breakthrough results. It ended up costing me a lot of money and wasted hours. Today I’m comfortable speaking to people I don’t even know without feeling panic and I can be the person I truly am. I enjoy talking to people – even over the phone – and I’m not afraid of ending up stuttering. Thanks to just one session with Kina I have grown as a person and for the first time, I can be that open social person I want to be. Furthermore, I have developed my spiritually.
Kina is a calm person who quickly establishes that trustworthiness you need as a client. Kina does a great job, she is very adaptable, and she engages with her clients and their challenges in such an empathetic and intelligible way. [Lars]
Kina is simply fantastic! Professional and engaged in such a great, personal way. She is a rock when you are having a difficult time. When I first met her I was stressed out and anxious, and had a sleeping disorder. My work life was overloaded and I had somehow built up unreasonably high demands on myself. I was longing to find my inner core, to own my power, and to make conscious choices – to be able to say both thank you and no thank you. We all need that person who can help and guide us back on track. Through Kina’s unique work method, which we are working with today, we identified occurrences and beliefs that had a negative influence on my life. By releasing these blocks I have been able to access my full potential and inner power. Together with Kina I have made such a big inner journey. Today, I feel such joy, vitality, and harmony. I’m able to identify what I’m really passionate about. I feel that there is nothing holding me back from making choices. I have a strong drive and I’m bursting with creativity. I feel love and gratitude for myself and my surroundings.
Finally, I can do what my heart desires and enjoy the journey! [Ulla]
FYSAP FREE YOUR SOUL AND PERSONALITY®: FREEBLOCKING® = fewer obstacles + greater freedom
[Understanding] The history of your soul – the incarnations she has been traveling through, her relations, the pain and struggle involved – is the doorway toward your freedom and full potential.
∼ Kina Bergman

Forest, Almunge, Sweden

Magasinet, Almunge, Sweden

New York, USA