Three signs your amygdala is hijacking your life – and how to take back your power
Picture this: you are about to present ideas and insights in front of your colleagues. This is what you are good at. You know your stuff. But your body is awash with stress and fear, and you can’t remember a word of what you prepared. Your logic has just been hijacked...
The #1 cause of mental and physical stress – and why this could be an ongoing theme in your life
We all have different stress levels and triggers – stress that has a negative effect on our psyche and body. Whatever your stress theme is, there is a deeper reason why you end up going beyond your limits, giving more than you have, running faster and longer than what...
Bio-psychosynthesis and mental kinesiology: working with the unconscious in the psychosynthesis therapeutic process
Mental kinesiology fitted well into the established work with the unconscious psyche. It would turn out that there was a correspondence between psychosynthesis and neuroscience, a new and paradoxical fact: the principles that Roberto Assagioli and his students...
Heart-driven leadership: the power of having ‘the right employer’ – and the cost when you don’t
What do over-performance, powerlessness, and misuse of power have in common? ‘The wrong employer.’ When dysfunctional backgrounds and survival strategies are in charge, we hurt ourselves and those around us. We also miss out on the blissful power of being our true...
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