Book a free telephone session with Kina

It’s simple: decide. book. call.

  • Are you longing for a life that feels “lighter” and becoming who you truly are?
  • Do you feel limited in your relations or your professional life?
  • Do you struggle with reaching your goals even though you know what you want?

Then there are blocks hindering you from doing what you want and move toward becoming who you truly are.

What are blocks?

Blocks are what – unconsciously – direct and limit us in our lives. They are the bumps in the road. The glass wall you keep walking into. The invisible rope that keeps you going in circles. What makes you adapt to the social pressure and its unspoken rules without questioning or feeling what is true for you. If you want to dive into what blocks are, make sure you check out the FAQ.

Discover the benefits with the FREEBLOCKING® method

For you who have not tried the FREEBLOCKING® method, you now have the option to book a 30-minutes telephone session. The session is free of charge, only for new clients, one time only and not in connection with another session.

This is what you get under the telephone session: Learn how Kina works, your commitment, and how she can help you. I do NOT release blocks during this session.

For whom is the FREEBLOCKING® method ideal?

I do not work with clients who require psychiatric care. For this reason I will ask you a few questions when you book your telephone session to see if I am the right person to help you. Read FAQ and “For whom is the FREEBLOCKING® method ideal?”

Here’s how to book your free session

Just fill in the form below for your 30-minute free telephone session and Kina will get back to you within 48 hours.

Book a free session with Kina.

In spite of our best intentions, we live our lives through the magnetic pull of our soul’s historical past and the unconscious that seem to have an agenda on its own [that does not always serve you].

∼ Kina Bergman

I invite you to take the first step

Just fill in the form for your 30-minute free telephone session and Kina will get back to you within 48 hours. The session is free of charge, only for new clients, one time only and not in connection with another session.

I do not work with clients who require psychiatric care. For this reason I will ask you a few questions when you book your telephone session to see if I am the right person to help you. Read FAQ and “For whom is the FREEBLOCKING® method ideal?”

If you rebook or cancel your booked free telephone session within 24 hours of the appointment, or if you miss the appointment, your will receive an invoice for SEK 400.

3 + 4 =

Kina Bergman and Kinas Kraftkälla, forest, Almunge, Sweden

Forest, Almunge, Sweden

Kina Bergman and Kinas Kraftkälla, Magasinet, Almunge, Sweden

Magasinet, Almunge, Sweden

Kina Bergman and Kinas Kraftkälla, New York, USA

New York, USA